Thomas F. Sheehan, Jr.
Risk Manager
Thomas F. Sheehan, Jr. is Specialty Manager Group’s (SMG) Risk Manager.
Mr. Sheehan graduated from the University of Notre Dame with a bachelor’s degree of architecture in 1977. He has been a member of the Board of Directors of Thomas F. Sheehan, Inc., Peace Corporation, Inc., and Professional Risk Management, Inc.
Tom’s principal responsibilities at the firm include investigation of claims; technical, coverage and reserve analysis; establishing and monitoring reserves and their adequacy; retention and supervision of local counsel; and retention and supervision of experts and other claim support personnel.
Mr. Sheehan has acted as the claims manager for AEIC’s claims since 1991, handling claims directly for the firm since his hiring in 2011, and for the twenty years prior during his prior employment with the third party administrator.
Mr. Sheehan’s 34 years of experience in the field of professional liability claims management and his prior experience as an architect gives him a unique insight to the dynamics of resolving construction claims. He has worked to resolve claims against prominent design firms nationwide. His major cases include the Lake Merritt Plaza litigation, California condominium owners’ associations’ litigation against structural engineers; several lawsuits including construction worker quadriplegic injuries and deaths; indoor air quality claims involving schools in Florida, Indiana, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Virginia; and structural issues involving parking garages in California, Florida and Pennsylvania.